Monday, December 14, 2009

Contemplative Hearts

The calendar says Christmas is only 11 days away...but hearts prepared for Jesus celebrate Christmas every day. The seeds of His love are perpetually born in a prepared heart. As the busy chaos of our American Christmas rages about, let's deliberately prepare our hearts by choosing to quietly contemplate the magnificence of the love symbolized by the incarnation.

Our amazing God, who with a word spoke creation into being, chose to set aside His glory and magnificence to reveal Himself to us in the form of a helpless baby in a dark cave. His love for each of us; His willingness to sacrifice all for lost humanity; His humble example; His confidence in His power to deliver us--all are tremendous sources of hope. Considering the sacrificial, powerful love of God will indeed prepare our hearts for a daily Christmas celebration. Our souls will sing with the angels as we consider the depths of His love. The seeds of love born into a prepared heart will be nurtured into fruitful vines by the same great God who entered time and space on the first 'Christmas.' May your heart contemplate and sing praises to the One who demonstrates His love personally and powerfully every day!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hospitable Hearts

An open heart requires time: time to think, to feel, and to process of all that we encounter. The Christmas season makes it very difficult to have an open heart. Yet, the Christmas story is about a God who took the time and made the sacrifices to open Himself to each of us. The constant, unchanging love of God calls us into His presence. When all others let us down, when we let ourselves down, when the 'idols' of our heart are tipped over and their inadequacy revealed, God's love embraces us. In this season of love, may we each take time to soak in the blessing of His love and then open our love-soaked hearts to those who need refreshment. May we each be vessels of His love overflowing on those walking with us!