Saturday, December 17, 2011

Faith Revealed

They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.
Psalms 125:1

The exercise of faith is the common experience of every believer. Life simply does not unfold in orderly, manageable ways over long periods. Zany zigzag patterns weave through every life. Unexpected events lurch into every path. Life in a world broken by sin requires faith. Faith provides stability to life that helps others see the glory of God.

Scripture is a treasure chest of faith examples. Mary’s words after learning she—an unmarried woman—was to give birth to the Savior are not the words of fearful woman focused on the likely condemnation of many. ‘Behold the bond slave of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word.” Words of faith in the midst of potentially dangerous circumstances reveal a heart held fast by faith.

Job’s heart-wrenching commitment, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him,” unveil a man whose security was outside the natural realm. His confident faith remains a beacon for any under assault.

Christ’s words to Pilate, “You would have no authority over me unless it had been given you above,” reveal a spirit trusting in the plans of God. Faith overcomes all evil to fulfill divine purposes.

Each of our lives provides opportunities to exercise faith and display the glory of God. God weaves our challenges into His transformation design. Each exercise of faith moves us closer to the transformation goal: likeness to the incomparably beautiful image of Christ. Perhaps no greater examples of faith—and revelations of Christ—can be found in our world today than in the persecuted church. Every day around the world, believers are hassled, attacked and sometimes killed because they live their faith in Jesus Christ. Giving glory to Him is valued above all. Our prayers on their behalf reach across the miles to provide spiritual strength to them. Contemplating their example magnifies our faith and strengthens us. A spirit of faith grows and unifies the body of Christ as it displays the glory of God.

No less glorious is the way small exercises of faith transform our view of God. Every act of obedient faith allows us to see a larger glimpse of the glory of God. Whether our need for faith stems from a health crisis, financial struggles, broken relationships, losses or some other struggle, trusting in the goodness and power of God brings blessing to others and us. Faith is the evidence of what is NOT seen; we must let faith rise above all that we do see. God cares about the details of every life. He delights in our expressions of confidence in Him and blesses exercises of faith in amazing ways!

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