Friday, June 8, 2012


Our alphabet journey stops today at “V” and focuses our eyes (and our ears) on the Voice calling to each of us.  In Revelation 1, John records that he heard a great voice and turned to it.  His risen Lord, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, spoke to him, revealing mysteries we still wait to understand fully.  This same Great Voice spoke the world into being, and it is the Voice calling continually to each of us.  It is a Voice of wisdom and power and life.  Turning to that Voice as John did gives us visions of hope and glory unequalled by any other thing!

Simply considering how scripture describes the Voice blesses the soul.  The Voice of God roars like a rushing waterfall and trumpets loudly, yet it also whispers gently.  The Voice commands with authority, confronts in righteousness, and calls with persistent love!  The Voice always testifies to Truth and announces the presence of God.  The impact of the Voice depends on the heart condition of the ‘hearer.’  God’s voice brings terror to those pursuing sin; yet it generates joy in those seeking the Lord.   Heartbreakingly, for some the Voice is either unheard or ignored as empty noise.  This Voice has a message of critical, eternal importance; we need to hear it, heed it and proclaim it!

The message of the Voice is personal, yet always consistent from one person to the next.  The Voice speaks to each heart applying the Word of God in unique ways.  The Voice gives a message of love and mercy, yet also a message of God’s glory and righteous judgment.  The Voice is never silent for God created humanity to fellowship with Himself.  He speaks eternally of His longing for us to know Him fully.  The Voice speaks to a need every heart feels giving a message of hope and peace. Preparing our hearts to understand the message of the Voice requires us to be still and listen.

This is a noisy world.  There is much calling for our attention.  Proverbs instructs us that there are two primary voices in this world:  the Voice of Wisdom and the Voice of the Adulteress.  There is the faithful voice of the Lord—wisdom personified, and there is the deceptive voice of the Unfaithful—foolishness embodied.  The voice we heed affects the outcome of our lives.  The Voice of God instructs and guides all who seek to know His way.  We must choose to reject the voice of foolishness and obey the Voice of God.  The words of Jesus Himself assure us that He knows those who hear Him.  Being known by Christ brings us security in this world and assurance of eternal life.  What joy we have from hearing and heeding Him!  Let us lift our voices in praise, attracting others to His Voice. 


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