Good Morning! Today's 'blog' is not a complete train of thought at all. My prayer is that it will be a train engine which brings us along a track of discovery. My mind has been drawn to explore the complexities of our humanity...the characteristics and inter-connectedness of the soul, spirit & body. It is only the Word of God which can power this sort of journey...only the Word of God which is powerful enough to bring clarity and unity to individual lives and to humanity overall. Will you join me on this journey and share your comments? I don't have answers but do have a soul desiring God...and His Word promises great blessing in such a focus! Come along.
Christianity is 'soul business.' The Creation account tells us that God's crowning creation was man...God gave the breath of life and man became a 'living soul.' Corinthians tells us that the first Adam was a living soul and the last Adam (Jesus Christ) a quickening Spirit. God's plan for His Creation is above our full comprehension but what a joyous focus. Ephesians tells us that God's desire for every soul is transformation into the likeness of Christ...what a glorious destiny He has planned for us.
Yet the scriptures, and life itself, bears witness to souls damaged and lost on life's journey. Our souls are created and kept by God but every individual has a responsibility for their own soul and has impact on other souls. Our souls can actually be 'knit together' and believers are to be of one mind and soul. My desire is to explore how we, as Christians, can live out the destiny God has called us too--and how doing that will help others on their journeys too!
May Paul's prayer cover our journey: And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
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