Saturday, June 5, 2010


We live in a noisy world; many sounds contend for our attention. Although the beloved disciple, John, says the voice of the Lord is ‘great’ and ‘like a trumpet,’ our ears are often distracted by the competing noise. Like the people of Isaiah’s day, we hear sounds but fail to understand Truth with our hearts. Until Truth penetrates our hearts and becomes a part of us, it is subject to theft from the enemy. Praise God, He never stops calling; His Voice is always gently, firmly, lovingly revealing Truth again and again until understanding takes root. Amidst the noise of life, His tender voice faithfully resonates.

Proverbs tells us there are two voices: the voice of wisdom and the voice of the ‘adulteress.’ There is the faithful voice of the Lord; and the deceived (and deceitful) voice of the unfaithful. The voice we heed determines the outcome of our lives; we need to hear and heed the Voice of Jesus. It is a beautiful voice with a message our hearts are longing for…choose to filter out the competing songs and listen to Him.

God’s Word is His personal letter to us. We need to read it daily and let the Words sink deeply into our heart. God always has a message just for us—a unique, personal message designed for our heart. For example, consider the passionate love revealed in Song of Solomon. Jesus’ entrancement with the beauty of the believer beckons every heart--for the truth is we all long to love and be loved. In the New Testament, Jesus reminds us that He will never abandon us. Our slowness to respond, our failures and missteps do not repulse Him. He faithfully works and waits for us to hear His voice—and heed His call. As God’s Word, His letters, draw to a close in Revelation, the Savior reminds us that He is ever at the door of our hearts knocking and longing to commune with us.

God created humanity for fellowship with Himself and He is never silent. His love speaks eternally and He longs for each of us to hear and understand His Word. Reject the competing sounds and focus on that loving Voice today.

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