Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Changing patterns!

Battling weight issues has taught me much over the years.  It has helped me learn to focus on the purposes of God, dig through emotional responses and lately, identify hidden processes that affect my health.  The truth is, though, I find the spiritual analogies far more interesting than the physical world realities.  Recently I discovered some hidden processes that relate to diabetes and the job of insulin.  It fascinated me to consider the ways my body responds to habitual behaviors—and I began to explore the concept.  If you happen to be diabetic and want those tidbits, just email me.  But for the greater truths I found inside the struggle, come along!

Discovering the hidden processes excites me because that is the first step to understanding them.  Understanding paves the way to individual growth.  We are not at the mercy of our habits, our family inheritances or our culture.  As Christians privileged to have the very Spirit of God dwelling in the center of our being, we can exercise dominion over all that!  Our spirits are meant to reign—not our physical bodies, lusts, habits or even generational curses.

 Heartaches, anger, and earthly battles seek to direct our thoughts, emotions and even actions.  Those feelings and actions become habits that can dig trenches of pain into our souls.  Just as repeated times of elevated insulin convince our bodies this is the ‘new normal,’ poor habitual responses to trouble eat at our souls.  Efforts to escape the pain without treating underlying issues bring more destruction.  A change of diet and activity reverses negative trends but long-standing patterns often necessitate a multi-faceted approach.  

The Spirit, aided by tools such as the Word, other Christians, and circumstances, shines the Light of God into our troubles to show the way through them.  As we walk in the ways of the Word (in faith of His goodness), we become reflectors of His light instead of reactors to the world.  We enjoy the peace of His presence and the victory of faith.  His Light begins a healing process in our dark places.  It may not change the actual circumstances but the pain eases as Christ enters the suffering with us.  The love we absorb from Him then flows into our world bringing healing to others. 

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